Sepang South Africa Hiking Trail

Sepang South Africa Hiking Trail 
Some people called it as Sepang Mars Hill. It is located at Seri Sepang and it needs guide to bring you there.
You can find the car parking location through facebook.

How to get there?

You can park your car beside road and don't block the road. It is private area and please follow the rules. 

The entrace just beside the small chinese praying Tokong. Need to cross the small drain. 
Just move forward and turn left. 

Actually we already put a small sign (blue colour rope) along the way. 

You will see the Pink Hindu temple on your right hand side then turn right to hindu temple.

Then turn left after the hindu temple (Sri Maha Mariamman) - I think the car can enter until here. 

                                        After turn left then go straight until you reach fence. 

Be extra be careful on this SHARP fence. Need to cross over this fence. After this fence then turn left and go straight until you reach a T junction then turn right.

After turn right and just keep going straight + find the blue colour rope 

When you look behind and you will see a beautiful view. A real eye is always better than in photo. Trust me and you will be amazed with the great scenery. 

Along the way you will see a lake and KLIA2. Almost there and you are very near. Here have few routes there. 

Turn left and you will see a palm oil tree terrace

The view is just like in Bali Paddy field

After this palm oil terrace and go straight. You will see KLIA2 again.

 Turn left and you will see another two ways. Turn right and go straight. 

Go straight and you will see this tall palm oil tree. Walk inside and turn right. 

There is a way on right hand side after the palm oil tree. 

Finally reached after 45 minutes.

You need to walk further inside in order to take nice photo. Be extra be careful because some stone is very soft. Be cautious all the time. Do not take any risky photo. Watch video is better. I will upload the video how to go Sepang Africa Hiking Trail. Watch the video and read the blog. I can 100% guarantee you will reach there. 

From Fitness Xcellent Hiking & Workout Group

Sepang South Africa Hiking Trail: Can search of Temple Sri Maha Mariamman as your entrance point also. 


  1. Hi. How much is the guide fee per pax or per grp? Appreciate ur sharing :)

    1. We are hiking community and we do not charge for it. If want to join us, you can search facebook or ig. Drop a message there. Any you may whatsapp Khor 0126671616 for more information

    2. Facebook:
      1) Fitness Xcellent
      2) Hiking and Workout Group Malaysia (Fitness Xcellent)

      1) Fitness Xcellent

  2. i like your assurance 100% guarantee will reach there.:D sure won't reach holland hor haha

    1. Hi Lim, I'm inquiring on the guide fees ya... Appreciate ur sharing here... Thx in advance :)

    2. haha if really follow and I think wont go holland la. Go thailand only ;-)

  3. Hi. How safe is the trail from parking right until destination ? the environment ? got people around ? wild animals or suspicious people ?


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